Wednesday, July 25, 2012

I'm Back!

I'm back on US soil after seven wonderful weeks in England and Scotland.  In many ways, the trip exceeded my expectations.  It was a rare gift to be able to spend that much time in one place and to experience life as it's lived in another country.  I'll always be grateful for this opportunity, made possible by a three-month sabbatical.

Still, there was a part of my plans I wasn't able to fulfill--I'd hoped to provide regular updates here of our itinerary and experiences.  But with a balky computer and less-than-reliable Internet signals, I simply wasn't in a position to do so.

So now, as a sort of retrospective, I'll share some of those experiences--complete with pictures--in order to give you something of the flavor of those seven weeks.

Check back here regularly to read more about it!

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