Monday, May 21, 2012

Up, Up, and Away!

In just a few days, I’ll begin my 2012 sabbatical.  The church I serve, Middleton Community United Church of Christ, included it in my call agreement in 2001—a three-month sabbatical every five years.

I certainly have some learning goals for my time away, but the more immediate and exciting one is a seven-week trip to England and Scotland.  Stephanie and I will be flying out of Chicago O’Hare Airport on June 1, arriving in Dublin, Ireland, for a brief layover, then heading to Manchester, where we’ll begin our English travels.  We’ll be visiting every part of England—north, east, south, and west—before returning to Manchester on June 29, when Steph flies back to the US.  I stay on for three more weeks—the first one with the Iona Community in Scotland and the other two in the city of Leicester, my family’s ancestral home.

I’ve been planning this trip since late in 2010, so there’s been a lot of time for the anticipation to build.  Less than two weeks until we leave—I can’t wait!

Sunday, May 20, was my final Sunday at MCC before the start of the sabbatical.  This week will be taken up with the few loose ends that remain.  Pretty soon, it’ll be the final check of our arrangements, filling the suitcases, saying goodbye to our children and families, and then—takeoff!

This blog will be my trip journal.  As often as I’m able, I’ll post descriptions, reflections, and pictures of the various destinations and experiences.  I hope you’ll be able to share the experience with us!

Wednesday, May 9, 2012

And So It Goes

Life has a way of surprising you.  You begin the day with one schedule and find that by lunchtime that it's out the window.  The things you thought were priorities get displaced by other things that take time and energy to resolve.  Over the last few weeks, that’s how it’s been for me.

Here’s a sampling of what's been going on:

The primary elections in the recall efforts for governor, lieutenant governor, and various state senators were held yesterday here in Wisconsin.  It has the feeling of the calm before the storm.  Last night, I heard the victory speeches of both Scott Walker, Republican governor, and Tom Barrett, Democratic challenger.  They sounded like commanders, preparing their armies for a crusade.  We’re going to be in for quite a time between now and the general election on June 5.  And even that isn’t likely to signal the end of the drama.

At the same time, I’m wrapping up things at church and home prior my sabbatical.  Starting May 26, I’ll be gone for three months, with three weeks of vacation tacked on at the end.  Stephanie and I will spend the first month traveling in England.  Steph returns to the US on June 29, but I stay behind for three more weeks, one at a retreat center in Scotland and the other two in the city of Leicester, my family’s ancestral home.  The final eight weeks will be spent back in Wisconsin, with weekend trips and other side excursions to be planned.  I'm planning to use this blog as my trip journal.  Stay tuned!

Simultaneously, my mother is in the hospital.  She’s almost 92 years old, still quite hale and hearty, but with a variety of health issues that keep cropping up.  On the one hand, it’s to be expected, given her age.  On the other, she’s my mother.  You never want to see your loved ones sick.  I’ve spoken to her several times on the telephone and plan to drive up to see her on Friday.

And as if that’s not enough, since my last post I’ve had to deal with yet another personnel matter at the church.  Those of you who’ve read this blog before know that my secretary resigned very abruptly last December.  That proved to be a major distraction for some months.  The most recent situation wasn’t a resignation, but required several meetings and consultations to be resolved.  We’re not quite out of the woods, but at least we can see the clearing.

And so it goes.  That’s how life is sometimes.  Elbert Hubbard once said that “life is just one damned thing after another.”  I believe it, although sometimes it’s one thing piled on top of several other things.

My sabbatical begins in 16 days.  I’m ready.